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Bloomington, Illinois 61701

(309) 222-8806

Chemical Sensitivity Treatment

Functional Medicine Approach by Duquette Functional Medicine and Preventative Health

Bloomington, Illinois 61704 Chemical sensitivity treatmentA study conducted in the Southeastern United States found that almost 13 percent of the 1,582 subjects involved were sensitive to chemical substances in their environment, with women reporting higher levels of sensitivity than men.

Chemical sensitivity is a common problem that Duquette Functional Medicine and Preventative Health sees in our office and one that we have success in treating.

Other chemical sensitivity studies conducted on the West Coast have found similar results, indicating that these types of responses likely affect a large part of the population across the U.S.

The chemicals assessed in these particular studies include everyday household items such as “cleaning products, paints, perfumes, detergents, insect spray” and similar related items. Additionally, the University of Wisconsin identifies some of the most offensive items as appliances, ink, chlorinated water, furniture, and new carpet, just to name a few.

Furthermore, sensitivity to these types of substances is not only physically uncomfortable, but some subjects revealed that it resulted in difficulty being in public spaces where the chemicals may be present (29.9%), hospital visits if the exposure was too much (45.1%), and even loss of employment (13.5%).

Functional medicine can help you identify the source of your chemical sensitivity through proper testing as well as help you create a plan to eliminate these toxins and/or effectively deal with any exposure—providing a positive resolution.