Treating the root cause of chronic disease

Treating the Root Cause of Chronic Disease

Helping people with: Hormones, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Thyroid Issues, Colitis, Autoimmunity, Toxicity, Depression/Anxiety and more

Get Started Today

At the Duquette Functional Medicine and Preventative Health Clinic, we strive to create an authentic partnership with all of our patients. With ongoing access to our team of Practitioners for the entirety of your care, you will get the support, guidance, and accountability that you need to turn your health around and get your life back!

What Is Functional Medicine and Preventative Health Care?

As our world has gotten increasingly unhealthy, people have started to experience many symptoms and conditions more acutely and at younger ages. Digestive problems, thyroid, fatigue, insomnia, cardiovascular dysfunction, brain fog, weight gain/loss, memory problems, and so on are now common complaints. Despite what we have been led to believe, people do not have to live with these issues. This is where Functional Medicine and a Preventative Health Lifestyle are needed.

Unlike the conventional medical approach which focuses on disease and simply covers up symptoms, Functional Medicine focuses on the underlying root cause of dysfunction in order to achieve true wellness. Medications and other medical procedures can only treat or "mask" symptoms because they do not address what caused the disease or illness in the first place.

We spend time listening to your health journey, looking at environmental and lifestyle factors which may have had a negative influence on your health and contributed to your disease. In addition to our foundational programs, developed through years of combined research, personal experience, and real-world results in our Functional Medicine Clinic, we also offer specialized Functional Medicine laboratory tests and Brain Based Therapy, if needed, to scientifically pinpoint causes of chronic illness and treatments. Combined, this provides a holistic, all-natural, path to eliminating symptoms, restoring health, regaining energy, and thriving long-term.


An Amazon best-selling book by our own Kendra Duquette, PHP and Jenni Wise, PHP along with an all-star group of doctors and other health practitioners.

These experts use their own experiences to bring about a new understanding of what it takes to thrive in today’s toxic world as well as concise and detailed information on how they are working to fix our broken medical system.

Available on Kindle
